Our Distributor

We think of our distributors as a representation of our customers. We give the good ones our full attention and spend time with them. Find out what the better-quality salespeople are interested in, their values, and what we have in common, and focus on developing relationships with them.

We are There for You

We ensure that our distributor is aware of our dedication to putting in the extra effort necessary to advertise and sell Vinchy Packed Drinking Water. As a result, you would understand that we take our business seriously and genuinely care about your business and ours. These fosters trust.

Focus on Education

We enable our distributors to increase their productivity by combining essential tools and procedures into a single, comprehensive business and product database. We believe in assisting our distributors rather than expecting them to precisely translate our material into sales papers and flick through print and online catalogs to identify all the components needed to execute orders. It enables us to streamline and quicken the sales process while reducing the likelihood of mistakes.


The benefit of someone who is a Vinchy Packed Drinking Water distributor is that you won’t need to invest as much time and energy in marketing as you would when you first launch your own company. You just need to target the market that doesn’t have access to our bottled water supply as our company is already growing in popularity.

Harshdeep SINGH

Naraingarh Distributor

Mobile : 93501 37749
WhatsApp : 93501 37749
City : Naraingarh, Ambala



Mobile : 0000 0000
WhatsApp : 0000 0000
City : Chandigarh



Mobile : 0000 0000
WhatsApp : 0000 0000
City : Chandigarh



Mobile : 0000 0000
WhatsApp : 0000 0000
City : Chandigarh

Become a Distributor

To apply for a distributorship for Packed Drinking Water brands in India, you may need the following documents:

  • You should have a valid form of identification; an Adhar card, Pan Card, or voter’s card.
  • A ration card or power bill that serves as a proof of address.
  • For commercial transactions, you must supply accurate bank account information to the mineral water company.
  • The essential needs are:
    • Colour photographs
    • A valid email address
    • A working phone number